Net Strategist @ Strategist.Net

Final Year Project: Marketing On The Internet

The final year project is an opportunity given to management students to carry out specialised and focused studies on topics of interest to them, related to their field of study. I chose to work on a contemporary field - Marketing on the Internet. What differentiated the project report from other "Internet Marketing" books is the fact that I applied traditional marketing concepts to the Internet, whereas most others restrict the scope to website promotion or online advertising. My project covered the following areas:

As part of this year-long project, I worked on two live projects over four months. I worked closely with Child Relief and You (CRY) during the redesign and relaunch of their website. I also developed an Internet Marketing Plan for a liquor company contemplating an online presence. The challenge here lay in the fact that creating an online presence for an alcohol company is an entirely different ballgame, given the restrictions they face.

If you'd like to know more about this project, do email me.

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