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Book Review (Sep 98): The Internet Marketing Plan

The Internet Marketing PlanThe Internet being a relatively new and under-explored medium, companies planning an online presence often don't understand what marketing on the Internet entails. The result is obvious with millions of useless corporate websites that end up being nothing more than lonely billboards in an isolated part of cyberspace that no one visits. The Internet Marketing Plan is the result of years of experience and expertise of Kim Bayne, an internationally renowned name in Internet marketing. The book along with the accompanying floppy containing templates, spreadsheets, skeletal outlines, and website bookmarks make it a practical hands-on workbook that no person in charge of their company's online presence can afford to miss.

The book starts off by debunking old marketers' tales and looks at traditional principles that do still apply on the Internet. Not only does the author explain the basics of Internet marketing, but she also reinforces everything with practical experiences, real world examples, useful tips and checklists.

Just as traditional marketing needs a comprehensive marketing plan to succeed, The Internet Marketing Plan shows how a company's online marketing effort can be successful if it is a result of a well thought out Internet marketing plan. The book is a necessity for anyone contemplating an online presence, specially in times where corporates hastily put up haphazard websites, often for all the wrong reasons.

The book helps the reader create, implement and evaluate an Internet marketing plan, covering each of these stages in great detail. A step by step process helps the reader create a well structured Internet marketing plan - right from the business overview, to budgets and implementation. Due emphasis is laid on integrating the Internet into the traditional marketing efforts - an often ignored effort of Internet marketing, and evaluation to keep the marketing efforts on course.

The Internet Marketing Plan helps the reader make the transition from traditional marketing to online marketing while the offerings on the accompanying floppy disk smoothen the path to success.

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